
Building a successful safety culture is a simple task, but why is it so hard to accomplish? Over the years the B42L staff has worked with stellar safety cultures, and some that needed some help. Here are some trends we see.

Understaffed In House Teams

Some businesses are stuck in what we call “the in between stage”. They don’t necessarily have the need for a full-time safety professional, and if they do, the safety professional is swamped. Additionally, safety as a function can be dumped onto HR’s lap. Although some HR Managers do a great job at the juggling act, we have seen many HR Managers get equally as burnt out trying to perfect a positive safety culture and fulfill their core set of HR tasks.

Even if a positive safety culture is achieved, it is normally gone with the wind when overall business priorities shift.


Management Commitment

In certain cases, management is not committed to safety. Although this is becoming less common, there are certain organizations that “check the box” of safety to “check the box”. The business is not affected by injuries/incidents, and management views safety from a compliance perspective. These compliance based cultures, typically do not change unless there is a severe injury or fatality. It is unfortunate that some businesses still operate in this manner, however we have found that when safety is prioritized and management is sold on the idea, even the worst safety cultures can improve.

Complex Businesses

The workload for a safety professional can be exhausting. There are only so many hours in the day and we have seen businesses who specialize in many different operations tend to succeed in certain areas, but struggle in others. The safety professionals in these scenarios tend to focus their energy on the positive aspects of the business, and hope nothing goes wrong with the other arms of the business. They tend to have a generally positive outlook on safety, but disorganization can interrupt positive changes.

Quick Growth

Growth in business is always exciting. However, if companies scale too quickly, or do not calculate safety into their growth, a poor safety culture can quickly shut the entire operation down. Management can be committed to safety in these scenarios, but it can get overshadowed with quick expansion, or newfound territories. These businesses typically have great intentions, but the old expression is, “Don’t put the cart in front of the horse”. Safety staff, systems, procedures, and policies need to be accounted for anytime there is sudden growth in an organization.

Post Incidents

We have seen businesses with “knock out” safety programs suddenly get flipped upside down after an incident occurs. The improper management of incidents can leave a bad taste for both employees, and customers. Unfortunately there are scenarios where one incident results in the loss of a key account, leading to the loss of jobs awards, and projects. The lack of work and productivity can tarnish all of the programs that were previously implemented and the safety culture falls apart.

Fractional Partnerships Promote Healthy Safety Cultures

Working with a safety consultant can seem unnecessary, and at times is!  Other times, working with a safety consultant can be the missing piece in the success of your safety culture. If you do decide to work with a safety consultant, your team can benefit by focusing on the items you have augmented out to computer-based training, safety videos, and webinars.

Feedback we have received from dozens of partners is that computer based training, and safety videos do not provide the value they were told they would receive.

When you work with a partner who is dedicated to your operation, your needs, and provides solutions, your employees notice that action. They appreciate the investment regardless of what brand is printed on the hard hat. However, the safety consultant better believe in what they are doing.

There are horror stories of safety consultants who are not invested in their customers. They show up, do the bare minimum, and go home.

At B42L Safety Consulting, we are passionate about the work we perform. We value our partners, and we value their people. As second generation safety professionals, our team is dedicated to its mission of “Helping others save lives”. For this reason alone, we have organically grown into the most sought out, and respected Safety Consulting Company in the PA/WV/OH Tri-State Area. Our partners believe in us, and we work tirelessly to provide both common sense, and complex solutions to their unique challenges. 


Working with B42L Safety Consulting

Some Safety Consulting companies only allow you to utilize the work they perform if you have an existing contract.  We believe you don’t solve one problem just to create another one. When you partner with B42L Safety Consulting, understand that if you decide to part ways, you own the work we deliver. We are confident that when we deliver services, you’ll ask yourself how else we can aid you. 

Inquire about our Fractional Partnerships Today!

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